Saturday 28 April 2007

Sony PlayStation 3

I have finally ordered one. I was always planning on getting one but I have ended up with one much sooner than I anticipated. My reason for wanting a PlayStation 3 next to my Xbox 360 is for Blu-Ray playback and its exclusives games so when I came across a weekend only offer for £359.98 I slowly clicked the [BUY] button.
I've missed out on some recent PS2 gems as of late so if the PS3's backwards compatibility does its job well then I intend on picking up Metal Gear Solid 3 and Resident Evil 4 (assuming both are BC), obviously I would like to play these games before the new-gen versions are released later this year. I have not ordered any games as of yet, though I'll probably pick up Resistance: Fall of Man and Motorstorm in the not too distant future. I may be tempted by Virtua Fighter 5 as well as the last proper fighting game I played was last year with Dead or Alive 4 on the Xbox 360 - though having said that I may just rent Virtua Fighter 5 on PS3 as I'm an Xbox 360 achievement whore and can no way afford to start buying two of the same games for different consoles.

I was non too happy when I found out shortly after ordering that the console does not even come with a HDMI or Component cable! All you get are the lousy composite rca connections -this doesn't seem promising on a console that is supposedly strongly pushing their Blu-Ray HD format, I really would have expected to find a HDMI or at the very least a component cable in the box.

I will post some pictures soon once it arrives.

Friday 27 April 2007

Marketplace spending and more.

I finally bought myself some Microsoft Points for the first time recently since having my Xbox 360 since the UK launch. I'm not a big spender when it comes to marketplace content but the points were purchased as I had been wanting to change my gamertag for a long time, so I decided to go a head and do that. Though shortly after changing my gamertag I found out I may have put my Halo 3 BETA invitation at risk due to changing my gamertag, well I'm hoping the invites are issued by email so fingers crossed I should receive it. Failing that I've got Crackdown to fall back on which enables you to download the Halo 3 Multiplayer BETA when available.
I also took the plunge recently and purchased the new Halo 2 map pack for an incredible £2! I have not spent a great deal of time playing the maps but they seem balanced enough, I will likely spend some more time on them once they are included in the Halo 2 matchmaking system.

I decided to also purchase my first Arcade game... after seeing the new animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film recently and playing and reviewing the recent Xbox 360 game I was left wanting more and so I "jumped in" and downloaded the TMNT 1989 Arcade Classic from Xbox Live Arcade.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Remember, remember...

Yay! I remembered I had this blog up when I woke up today, so been doing some tinkering to improve the visual flair some what. Will get to work soon on a banner to replace the generic green title header - that is once I have the colours 100% the way I like them first, there would be little point in doing a banner and then ending up changing the colour scheme and it not matching.

Blog is alive!

Finally got one up, been meaning to do this for ages, just never found the time to do it. So at approximately 4:34am and several lagers later it is finally up.

I should continue to update this, assuming I remember to add it to my fav's once I've got the basics setup.