Saturday 28 April 2007

Sony PlayStation 3

I have finally ordered one. I was always planning on getting one but I have ended up with one much sooner than I anticipated. My reason for wanting a PlayStation 3 next to my Xbox 360 is for Blu-Ray playback and its exclusives games so when I came across a weekend only offer for £359.98 I slowly clicked the [BUY] button.
I've missed out on some recent PS2 gems as of late so if the PS3's backwards compatibility does its job well then I intend on picking up Metal Gear Solid 3 and Resident Evil 4 (assuming both are BC), obviously I would like to play these games before the new-gen versions are released later this year. I have not ordered any games as of yet, though I'll probably pick up Resistance: Fall of Man and Motorstorm in the not too distant future. I may be tempted by Virtua Fighter 5 as well as the last proper fighting game I played was last year with Dead or Alive 4 on the Xbox 360 - though having said that I may just rent Virtua Fighter 5 on PS3 as I'm an Xbox 360 achievement whore and can no way afford to start buying two of the same games for different consoles.

I was non too happy when I found out shortly after ordering that the console does not even come with a HDMI or Component cable! All you get are the lousy composite rca connections -this doesn't seem promising on a console that is supposedly strongly pushing their Blu-Ray HD format, I really would have expected to find a HDMI or at the very least a component cable in the box.

I will post some pictures soon once it arrives.

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