Wednesday 2 May 2007

PS3 arrived yesterday!

Yesterday was a very long day. Waiting in for the PS3 to be delivered and it shows up about 5.10pm, after about 3pm I had given up hope of it arriving at all. I was more dissapointed that my HDMI cable did not get delivered the same day - still fingers crossed that should arrive some time this morning as I have not had any post yet.

So yesterdays activities obviously revolved around the PS3 and getting it setup and setting my online account up and then downloading some demos and trailers. First thing I downloaded was the GT:HD demo which seems impressive, it looked quite poor though - I am putting that down to me using the composite cable that ships with the console.
Today though I've stuffed some more demos and trailers for download including Formula One CE, Ridge Racer 7, Genji: DotB and the Virtua Tennis 3 demo - I actually have the Xbox 360 version of this so I'm more interested in comparing it visually. The thing I have had the most fun with today is Super Rub 'a' Dub, this is basically what Sony were showing off in one of their demonstrations a while back. So they've turned it into a game which actually works surprisingly well and is all controlled by tilting the SixAxis Wireless controller. The basic premise of the game is to free your young ducklings from the enclosure and in some of the later levels avoiding sharks too. I havn't played it a great deal and have only downloaded the free demo version so I'm not sure how many levels are available.

The thing I am most excited about playing today is the Ninja Gaiden: Sigma demo, this is not available on the UK PS Store so I created a US account - basically the same way to access content from other regions on the Xbox 360. The download has just finished as I'm typing this but I'll wait for now and try it out once my HDMI cable arrives.

As an Xbox 360 owner it seems I have not been appreciating what my 360 offers me as I'm sure I am not the only one to take some of the consoles features for granted but this becomes more evident when playing on other consoles and you expect to be able to do specific things. I cannot access the Friends list whilst playing a game or watching a video and you cannot check on your currently running downloads - to do any of those things you need to be on the XMB (Cross Media Bar) or Dashboards to keep things simple you 360 people (assuming there is something I'm not missing).

One other thing I want to add before I finish, which really disgruntles me for some reason and that is if you download a game or demo from the PS Store you can obviously check on its progress and access it on the XMB, but when you come to launch it for the first time it has to install it, this is a very quick process but just seems so odd, I guess Sony really are pushing their console to be like a computer or something... I really don't understand why they just don't auto install during the download, I would have thought if it must install that the download could pause at say 99% and then install and hit 100% and be complete that would just seem so much more beneficial and convenient for gamers - the less screens to go through to access the content the better or at least thats what I think.

I shall head off now and wait for Mr Postman, quite looking forward to getting on Resistance: FoM, I havn't even opened it yet - I want my first impression of the game to be in HD goodness :)

--- Nooo as I was just finishing this up and the postman has been and there is no HDMI cable :*(

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