Sunday 13 May 2007

Halo 3 Beta, MSXbox World, WCF Community Night

As of the last few days I have seen a couple of people on my friends list playing the Halo 3 Beta and it is that fact for any Halo fan that is enough to drive you completely round the bend. To compensate for this I have been downloading hi-def video clips of the Halo 3 Beta in action, and this probably was not a good idea; as I find myself wanting to just play the damn thing even more. Eventually I will get my hands on it, come this Wednesday at least anyway - hopefully before.

Other things I have been doing as of late are designing a few nice slide images in Photoshop for various previews and what not as well as a Video Studio Tour of Codemasters, check out for all that, there's loads of stuff for you to check including exclusive screenshots from Forza Motorsport 2 and more. I've just finished writing up a short Hands-on preview for Virtua Fighter 5 as I have recently been playing the PS3 version and so have compiled my overall thoughts into a preview for the Xbox 360 version which will release later this summer. This preview should be up in the next day or so.

Just recently I had some games on Gears of War with a few of my old graphics buddies from WCF, this is actually the second event... or is it the first as no one actually showed up for the first one, including me? Either way it was OK, we had some good games and some other friends and random players joined in on the action. A few WCF'ers sadly couldn't make it for various reasons including: "the event is 6pm UK time but that is 4am in Australia (-2 buddies)' 'my Gears of War disc is unreadable - perhaps fear of getting owned or legitimate? (-1 buddy)"
Still may have some ranked games tonight as a couple more are expected to come online -- anytime now, hopefully.


That 360 Blog said...

yeh i guess it did suck, which was a shame, maybe the halo 3 beta will get more people on next time

Wayne said...

Yellow, hmmm... Sam eh? Let's see who was I playing with on the WCF Community Night... there was porkchop and Andy later in the evening and Nirvana2k7... so I'm going to assume that is you.

Might be useful to let me know when posting as I havn't a clue otherwise ;)

I'm gonna start getting back into the Beta very soon so I'm sure a few of us will get on for some games.