Monday 7 May 2007

Added Twitter... The Buck-eth's Review.

I have added Twitter to my blog, you can see this just to the right below my Xbox Live gamercard, basically this little tool allows you to update the box with your own text to let people know what you're doing (or for other reasons). The handy thing about it is that you can not only update it from but also using your mobile phone or instant messenger... I have not figured out everything yet so am updating it via. the web but it would be more convenient if it works with my msn messenger though. I will have to dig a bit deeper and find out about that. Not that I'm doing anything of interest but it's handy if some buddies are wondering why I'm not on Xbox Live or msn for example.

Also my good buddy mr Buck-eth or Buckdawg as he likes to be called of WCF fame has got his very first review up on, you can check that out by clicking here.

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