Wednesday 30 May 2007

Gaming goodness and Sony

Over the last few days I have been playing Forza Motorsport 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and have enjoyed them both to a degree. You can read my review of Pirates at MSXbox World by clicking here.

I have just started playing Shadowrun only a few hours ago and am finding that there is a lot of information to take in and remember during the course of gameplay; the game has a very good tutorial mode though which helps significantly. I'm sure most Xbox 360 FPS fans will know that Shadowrun is the first game under Microsoft's Games for Windows (Vista) platform that allows cross-platform play between Xbox 360 and Windows Vista gamers. So perhaps the ultimate battle of the mouse and keyboards versus the controller?

In other news I just recently hit 27,000+ gamerscore - I am obviously aiming for the big 30k which I hope to get some time soon as I have a few games left over where there are some rather easy achievements available, its just finding the time to want to revisit old games when there are so many new "good" games available and on the horizon - also not forgetting the Halo 3 Beta which is gagging for some serious playtime.

I also received an email today from Sony regarding the Casino Royale Blu-ray disc promotion I mentioned in a previous post. Here is a quote from the email: "Being one of the first to register you have qualified for a free Blu-ray Disc™ of Casino Royale™. We will aim to deliver your disc within 45 days." I find this particularly amusing as it states I'm one of the first to register for the PlayStation Network... I didn't get a PS3 until May 1st so they must have had lots of registrations from the UK launch til then? The other thing obviously is that I received my disc of Casino Royale on Blu-ray just recently from Sony so it seems odd for the email to arrive just now and inform me that I qualify for it and that the disc will be posted within 45 days... when I already have it. Still nothing to complain about as such, as I have the film now anyway.

1 comment:

That 360 Blog said...

i reckon you'll be at 35000-40000 by the end of the year with all these class games coming out