Saturday 26 May 2007

Back on Xbox LIVE + Freebie from Sony :)

After some network issues I am back on Xbox Live, about god damn time too. Not been upto much today or over the past few days - I do not like being disconnected, feels very strange. Anyways, I'm happy to be back online in full force, just spent some time downloading a few trailers and the Colin McRae: DiRT demo; I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and yeah it impressed the hell out of me, I will be spending some more time with the demo before the game releases.

During my down time I had the chance to get into my PS3 a bit more and have spent some well over due time with Resistance, at first I thought it was just OK but a couple of levels in then I really got into it and am really enjoying it so far, multiplayer I find weird though. It's good, no lag or anything but there is just no communication, I am not sure if I need a Bluetooth headset to actually hear people or if I should be able to hear them through the speakers like I can on Xbox Live, I'm not wanting to spend money on a headset if hardly anyone talks... perhaps Sony should have included one in the box or sell an official headset.
I will be looking to finish off the campaign of Resistance very soon then get back to some well deserved Halo 3 Beta action (before I blink and wonder where all the time went).

I was very happy this morning too, as I woke up to find a package from Sony containing the film 007: Casino Royale on Blu-ray disc. I did read about the promotion on their website but wasn't sure if I would receive it or not, though I obviously have and it took 26 days from me registering on the PlayStation Network to receive the disc. So I guess I will be watching some Bond... James Bond tonight then.


That 360 Blog said...

you where off xbox live? Can't have been for that long.

and yeh i'm liking the DIRT demo, its the 1st demo I've really liked since crackdown

Wayne said...

Nah it wasn't long really, time drags though when you want to be on. I was not on Xbox Live for about 4 days, but yeah am back on now. I'm wanting to get into this Halo 3 Beta a bit more, just havn't got the time right now, gonna have to make some time for the last week at least. I've been ranting and raving about it for ages so I need to spend some time with it..