Tuesday 12 June 2007

Chasing 30,000 gamerscore.

I find as I draw ever so near to the next big milestone in gamerscore land, I like to look back and see what games I have that I can perhaps revisit and re-enjoy all in the name of gaining some achievements and putting me closer to 30,000 gamerscore. While playing some of the latest and greatest games as and when I can there are times where I look back and think "I can get this..", some online achievements are not so boring if you have a few buddies online to play with, as I have recently found with revisiting Prey. As of late I've really gotten back into this game and collected all but one multiplayer achievement, which is for 250 kills in Team Death match. The achievement that I gave up on early on was the Black Jack one tied to one of the arcade machines. Once I knew how much I needed to win, then I had it down - still struggled with it a bit though, but I got it in the end ;)
Having gotten back into multiplayer I'm now in the mood for revisiting Prey on Cherokee difficulty and am hoping to gain the last singleplayer achievement in the game.

Other than Prey my time has been spent with NBA Street Homecourt and while I wasn't "feeling it" it at first, I've now got the gameplay down to a T and I can really get stuck in and dominate - I'm playing on easy though :P.

So completing those two games should put me that bit closer to 30,000 gamerscore. I'm also working on getting as many achievements that I can get from TMNT 1989 Arcade Classic and Aegis Wing (US Arcade exclusive - free).

Dare say my time will be moving back to my usual multiplayer gaming without being concerned so much for gamerscore once I have these few small goals out of the way. Those games being Gears of War, WWE SVR 2007 and Shadowrun, this last game in particular has plenty of achievements for me to gain, though most seem attainable as you play without being concerned over the specifics.
Still plenty of other games to revisit and some recent ones that I have not yet had the chance to scratch the surface on - achievement wise.

Yes, I'm a gamerscore nut. I admit it, you happy? I don't really mind as much as I like achievements and earning them. I still try to play for fun and try my best to avoid bad unenjoyable games - unless they are incredibly easy for gamerscore. Heck, I can't be as bad as some people as I still play games I have all the achievements on regularly, these are only Gears and WWE SVR 2007 though.
The thought of the new Gears of War achievements which tie into Annex and the new multiplayer maps has me salivating and this I believe would be my first game where I would have over 1000 gamerscore for one game. So I'm looking forward to that.

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