Monday 11 June 2007

This is the end...

Gaming community nights for the Halo 3 Beta are done and dusted for both communities of MSXbox World and WCF. The MSXbox World H3 Beta night was rather successful with some entertaining games, hopefully some of the videos from the "good" matches will be featured on our site - that's assuming members submitted some videos to MSXB. I am just about to share a video now which sees myself doing rather good at the beginning as well as some other members gunning skills in the warthog. Hopefully when the Beta is over, perhaps we can still share and view our H3 game videos.

The H3 Beta WCF Community night this past Saturday... well the less said about this the better, it was utter crap. It's not that no one turned up as the majority of players did show up, but by the time the rest of the team decided to come on, myself and the others who were gaming on time had quite simply had enough, lets just say we had a fair amount of bad games. So me and the Buck ended up on Gears of War instead - which was much more enjoyable (for the most part).

Final thoughts now on the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta. This is expected to end sometime tonight and I feel somewhat annoyed with myself for not spending as much time with it as I perhaps should have. I mean, come the release on Sept 25th, I likely will be addicted to Halo full time once again. The Beta for me though, just didn't quite meet my expectations. This is probably due to being forced into matchmaking when at times all I really want to do is just play a custom game with buddies. There is a way around this but I feel even though it may not have benefited the development of the game that Bungie should have supported custom games as well as matchmaking to make a better experience for their users. It's not that its bad, its just I'm a sucker for being drawn into hype and I love this fact, though I had a feeling once I played the Beta that while I may enjoy it - it may not leave me as hyped for Halo 3's release. The madness surrounding Halo 2's hype a few years back was insane. I remember booking the day off work for the release day and then I got a text while I was at work telling me it arrived, which was a day early - that day didn't half drag...
My point is, this Beta has left the hype for Halo 3 flat, at least for me anyway. I'm sure Microsoft will start the hype machine rolling again soon with more trailers and hopefully more info on the campaign.

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